Monday, January 7, 2008

Virtual travel cuts back on carbon

Here is an interesting concept.

Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) wasn't able to be in Washington and attend the United Nations Climate Summit in Bali all at the same time, so he used the virtual world called to give a speech to attendees of the Bali Conference.

Congressman Markey was not only able to address the conference, save the taxpayers a few dollars, he also brought attention to the use of technologies that can allow government and citizens to communicate worldwide.

The YouTube video of his speech can be viewed below.

(Here is a tip. I use SpeedBit to accelerate the videos on YouTube and it works pretty good. They are a free download at

There is also a press release that can be viewed here.

Just another way in which Concerned Voices can be heard in today's world.

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