Sunday, February 24, 2008

Go Sleep Airlines?

Living on Maui in Hawaii we have only three main airlines for traveling between the islands. So it's a bit disturbing to think that the pilots could be napping. It reminds me of an old Bill Cosby routinue where the driver reasons that the car is going straight and the road is going straight and that it wouldn't hurt to take a nap.
The pilot and co-pilot of a 50 minute flight operated by Go! Airlines, fell asleep and flew 15 minutes past their destination. The tower was unable to get a response for 25 minutes and was on the edge of having to notify the authorities that the plan may have been hi-jacked.
It's not like they can just pull over and grab a quick nap. Makes you wonder about all the drivers on the road. In fact those pilots may have had to drive to get to work.

abcnews story on this.

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