Tuesday, December 21, 2010

200 Million Metric Tons of Aluminum in the Air We Breath?

Before I begin, I want to preface this article with the fact that I am no expert or claim to be one, in the areas of health, cloud formations, chem trails or most anything else represented in this article. These are my personal observations and comments and other's that I have learned of, but do not necessarily endorse. This information is for each individual to draw their own conclusions or just for entertainment purposes.

I have heard about Chem Trails for a number of years. The first time was at a conference on sustainable energy, myself and a friend were talking outside after the conference and were approached by someone that went on and on about these things called "Chem Trails."

I was obvious the person was very passionate about his beliefs, not an unusual thing on Maui, but even with our open minds, my friend and I had a hard time not thinking that this rang of "conspiracy theories and paranoia."

Some time passed and I would read, watch videos and listen to podcasts about these chem trails, still trying to decide what to believe about them.

Through personal observation on Maui, having lived here for 42 years, I did notice that the skies seemed to have some real prominant differences for a period of time. Sometimes we had very clear rich blue skies, with a few puffy clouds and other days it might start out clear and then within a few hours, by about 8 or 9am, the clouds would amass into a thick and almost hazy, multi-layed, full sky over cast situation and remain that way throughout the day and maybe for days on end.

Yesterday, being the beginning of my 54th year on this planet, actually the only planet I think I've been on, though some might want to send me to the moon on occasion, I awoke to a cloudy day and rain that started, as predicted by the weather people, on Sunday. The thing about that morning was I awoke with heavily congested lungs and spent the day coughing and having a hard time breathing, much like a person with asthma. While others in my family, as well as friends have had allergies and asthma, I fortunately have never had any allergies, nor many breathing problems, so this was a bit disconcerting. Besides my breathing issues, everyone else in the house has also begun coughing and had sore throats.

It's not unusual for people living around each other to come down with colds, flus and other dis-orders during the winter, and around Christmas in particular. The part that makes me wonder is that myself, grandchildren and others I know have been sick on and off for at least the last six months. Coughs, sinus infections and other respiratory issues. The doctors just keep handing antibiotics and decongestants like they were vitamins. While not really correcting the problem, it seems to make matters worse by killing off all the beneficial flora in our guts and if a heavy regime of putting them back in isn't adhered to, the body starts exhibiting many of the symptoms that accompany a gut over run of the un-beneficial bacteria. These sysmptoms being:

  • depression
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • fibromyalgia
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • multiple sclerosis
  • lupus
  • psoriasis
  • celiac disease
  • crohn's disease
  • ulcerative colitis 
  • autoimmune thyroid disease
  • rheumatoid arthritis?
  • Just plain sick and tired all the time
  • Being told it is all in your head
These are just a few symptoms related to an imbalance of gut flora. Here is a link that also has many other links to reports by agencies that are considered as authorities, although many "authority" sites are very conservative and reluctant to go very far with their finding due to liability, laws and control the major corporations have over the medical industry as a whole, ours and other governments not excluded.


This was not intended to be about gut flora, but in talking about cold, flu and respiratory issues, I felt that a broader picture does need to be included.

So back to chem trails, my observation is a tendency within my circle of family and friends, that despite doing many, many things to pro-actively protect their health, we all seem to be fighting a losing battle. Recently I had a hair analysis done for the second time in just over a years span, and found that many metals were in an alarming concentration. They have varied between the two tests, but the common factor is a medically un-diagnosable variety of dis-ease and ailments that I seem to be going through.

Yesterday, at the Haiku Temple of Peace, was the Maui Premier of a new movie by Michael Murphy called "What In The World Are They Spraying?" It includes footage taken on Maui.

So without beating this subject to death, here are some videos on the subject. 

Please leave me some comments or information that you may have on these subjects. 

Discussion is a good thing!


Unknown said...

WOW! GOD PLEASE HELP US!!! More people need to realize whats going on in this country. I can't believe i'm the 1st comment on this page! Wow!!!

MauiSkyWatcher said...

Thankyou for posting this...I have been photographing the strange skies over Maui since July 2009 when I began to see the disturbing changes in our formerly mild and predictable weather and skies. These are posted on YouTube on my channel MauiSkyWatcher. I have video of the planes spraying and how the trails spread out to cover the sky. We are being sprayed like bugs. I have written to Kalani English, President Obama and others, with NO response. This is a global crime against nature & humanity.

Jim Hall said...

Yes, you would think more people would at least be wanting to know if this is true or not.
Hope Japan's reactor incident in Fukushima doesn't cause an increase in this activity.

MauiSkyWatcher said...

Jim, did you notice that we had perfectly clear skies for days after the earthquake? Presumably all resources were involved in emergency matters, and the airports and harbors were closed temporarily. Now, a week later, the sky is again thick with that white headache haze coming from WEST and NORTH, (NOT vog)and chemtrails are EVERYWHERE. Crazy.